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    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    Unblock an account blocked by Facebook

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    Before explaining to you how to unblock your locked Facebook account, you must first be sure that the social network team has actually blocked it. Sometimes, the Facebook platform does not allow you to log in due to some temporary errors that are fixed within a few minutes or, at worst, a few hours. For this reason, before hastily concluding that your account has been blocked, try to check the status of the Facebook servers from this page and try to log in after a few hours.

    If you continue to have problems logging in despite the Facebook servers being online, your account has most likely been blocked by the social network. In this case, you should see a message telling you just that. How do you say? Is this exactly the situation you are in? So, if you believe that Facebook has blocked your account by mistake (so you believe that you have not violated the terms of use of the service), you can contact the social network team and explain to them that your account was blocked by mistake.

    Now I'll explain how you have to "move" exactly. I am sending you to do this as soon as possible, because if 30 days pass after the account has been blocked, the account will be permanently disabled.

    First connect to the Facebook support page and, in the form that you see on the screen, enter your address email or telephone number to whom you want to be contacted (and with whom you registered on the platform) by typing it in the fieldlogin email address or phone number.

    Then enter your name and surname (as they are indicated in the Facebook account you want to recover) in the field Your first and last name and attach to your request a scan of your valid identity document (possibly in JPEG format), by clicking on the button Choose file and selecting it from your PC or from your smartphone and tablet (depending on the device you are working on).

    Finally, all you have to do is press the button Send and wait for the social network staff to answer you. Usually, the response from Facebook arrives within 48 hours and, if the blocking of the account is actually the result of an error, the unblocking of the account should also take place in the same period of time.

    Unblock Facebook in case of voluntary deactivation

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    If you want to know how to unblock Facebook in case of voluntary deactivation, the answer is simple: by logging in again using your login credentials!

    To do this, open the Facebook app on your Android or iOS / iPadOS device or connect to the Facebook home page from any device, enter your email (or yours telephone number) and yours Password in the appropriate text fields and press the button Log in to log in and unlock your account. Don't remember the access key to your account? In this case, read the chapter in which I explain in detail the password recovery procedure that you find a little further on, also in this article.

    You have started the Facebook unsubscribe procedure from less than 30 days? Again, you can log in to unlock your account and prevent it from being permanently deleted.

    If, unfortunately, they have already passed more than 30 days from the moment you have opened the definitive cancellation procedure from Facebook, there is nothing more to do: as also indicated on the Facebook site, at this point your account is lost forever! This is the only case where you can no longer recover your Facebook account. This explains why, in the introduction of this article, I told you that in 99,9% of cases you would be able to recover your account.

    However, nothing prevents you from creating a new Facebook account and starting over by sending friend requests to your "old" friends again. I know, that's not exactly what you intended to do, but it's the only solution you have to log into Facebook again.

    Unblock Facebook in case of lost password

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    If you can't log into Facebook why you have lost your password of your account, you can start the password recovery procedure and unlock it. Here's how to proceed from mobile and computer.

    • From mobile - open the Facebook app for Android or iOS / iPadOS, press the wording Forgot password? present in the login screen, write in the appropriate text field the telephone number associated with your account and press the button Find your account. Therefore, choose the recovery method you intend to use to recover the account (Confirm by email o Conferma processes SMS), tap the button Continue, enter the code that you received via e-mail or SMS, decide whether to remain logged in on the other devices on which you had previously logged in or to disconnect from these and press the button again Continue. In the new screen that opened, provide the new password with which to access Facebook and press the button Continue.
    • From computer - after going to the Facebook login page, click on the link Forgot password? placed on the login page of the social network, indicates the cellphone number associated with your account in the appropriate text field, click on the button Search and select the method by which to recover the account (Send code by email o Send code via SMS). Then click on the button Continue, enter the code you received via e-mail or SMS, click on the button Continue and write the new password to be used for account protection. In conclusion, decide whether or not to stay connected on the other devices to which you were previously logged in with your Facebook account and click on the button Continue.

    For more information on how to recover your Facebook password, consult the guide I dedicated to the topic.

    Unblock Facebook in case of stolen account

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    Your Facebook account was hacked and now you can no longer log in because the cybercriminal who violated it changed the access password? Then connect to this page and report the incident to Facebook by clicking on the button My account has been compromised.

    In this regard, indicate the reasons why you think you have been the victim of a cyber attack, by placing the check mark next to one of the available items (eg. I saw a post, message or event on my account that I didn't create, Someone else logged into my account without my permission, I found an account that uses my name or photos, People can see items in my account that I thought were private o I don't see the right option on this list), presses the button Continue and follow the wizard thanks to which you should be able to recover your account and secure it.

    If, on the other hand, the attacker has not changed your login credentials, immediately change your password and activate two-factor authentication to prevent someone else from intruding on your Facebook account undisturbed. I also recommend that you read my tutorial on how to enter a Facebook profile where I explain what are the main hacking techniques used by cybercriminals to violate users' Facebook profiles and what measures can be taken to defend against such threats.

    In case of problems or doubts

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

    If you have not been able to unblock your blocked Facebook account, perhaps because you have a doubt or have had some problem in following one of the aforementioned procedures, go to the Facebook help center page and there you should find the answer to all your doubts. .

    To find the answer to your question, you can type in search bar at the top a sentence that identifies your problem; then you have to select, from the drop-down menu that appears, one of the many clarifying articles prepared by the Facebook staff and read the instructions contained therein.

    Alternatively, visit the section dedicated to Popular topics (at the bottom of the help center home page) and select a topic of interest to you. I am convinced that the resources made available by Facebook will be very useful to unlock your account. If this is not the case, I suggest you contact Facebook following the instructions I gave you in my tutorial on the subject, hoping that at least this will help you to get over the situation.

    How to unblock Facebook blocked

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