Preliminary information
Before going into the details of this guide and explain yourself how to block PayPal payments, I must make a necessary premise distinguishing automatic payments from completed payments.
In fact, you need to know that if your intention is to block a automatic payment on PayPal, that is a recurring charge that allows you to pay subscriptions to services activated on your own initiative, the procedure you must follow is simple and you can put it into practice independently.
If, on the other hand, you purchased a product or service and paid with PayPal and the latter was labeled as "completed" but now you would like to request cancellation following any problem, the procedure you have to put into practice is completely different, and a little more complex.
In this case, you can attempt to contact the recipient of the payment and request cancellation of the payment resulting in a full refund. Alternatively, you could take advantage of PayPal's purchase protection and report your willingness to block the payment directly to the customer support of the payment service.
Regardless of the procedure you will put into practice, you should know that the request to block a completed PayPal payment is not immediate and may not be accepted by the recipient of the payment or by PayPal assistance. The outcome depends on many variables.
Block automatic PayPal payments
Block automatic payments from PayPal is a quick and easy procedure that allows you to deactivate any active recurring payments on your account at any time. This feature, however, is not available using the PayPal app for Android and iOS devices, so you have to act as a PC. Alternatively, if you do not currently have a computer at your disposal, you can block an automatic payment from smartphones and tablets using the browser installed on the device (eg. Chrome your android e Safari on iOS) and acting on the official website of the service.
To proceed, connected to the official PayPal site, click on the button Log in located at the top right, enter your account login details in the fields Email or mobile number e Password and press pulsating Log in.
Now, click on the icon of rotella d'ingranaggio located at the top right to access your account settings and, in the newly opened page, select the tab Payments. Premium, quindi, sulla voce View relative all'opzione Manage your automatic payments and apponi il segno di spunta accanto alla voce Show active, to view the automatic payments currently active on your PayPal account.
To block an automatic payment, select the service you are interested in by clicking on its name, award-winning Cancel related to the option State and confirm your intention by clicking on the button Cancel automatic payments.
If everything went well, in addition to receiving a confirmation email to the email address associated with your PayPal account, you will see the message on the screen You have canceled automatic payments to [service name]: then click on the button end to complete the operation and view the complete list of inactive automatic payments.
It will be useful to know that, once the automatic payment of a service has been deactivated, in case of second thoughts, it is not possible to retrace one's steps by enabling the recurring payment again. To restore the automatic charge, you must log in to the service in question and repeat the procedure for activating the automatic payment.
How do you say? Would you just like to change the payment method used for PayPal's automatic payments? In this case, you will be happy to know that it is not necessary to block the charges and repeat the activation procedure for a particular service again: just access the modification section of the payment method.
To proceed, go to Settings of your account, select the tab Payments and choose the service of your interest among those visible under the option Show active. Now, locate the section Method of payment, premi sull'icona della pencil and, in the new open page, put the check mark next to the payment method you want to use for automatic payments. Then click on the button Save And that's it.
Block PayPal payment completed
If you are wondering if it is possible block a completed PayPal payment and you are the sender of the payment, the answer is affirmative as long as the recipient is available to cancel. How to do? I'll explain it to you right away!
From computer
To proceed from a computer, connected to the main PayPal page, click on the button Log in at the top right and log into your account by entering your login details in the appropriate fields. Now, tap on the item Chronology present in the main menu to view the list of completed payments and select the one you are interested in.
In the new screen that appears, locate the section Recipient data, write down the email address of the person you sent the payment to and send an email requesting that the money transfer be blocked. If so, my guide on how to send an email might be helpful.
If, on the other hand, you have already contacted the recipient of the payment without having any feedback, access the section again Chronologyselect il payment to block, locate the section Do you need help? and click on your voice Report a problem. If you do not see this option, it means that you are no longer eligible for PayPal's purchase protection or that to request the payment block it is necessary to act from the platform on which you made the purchase (eg eBay).
In the newly opened page, select one of the available options from I have not received a purchased item, I have received an item that does not conform to the description, I want to report an unauthorized operation by me e I have a debit problem and follow the procedure shown on the screen to report your problem. If your request is accepted, your payment will be canceled and you will receive a full refund within 30 days of your referral.
Give smartphone and tablet
If you prefer to block a completed payment da smartphone or tablet using the PayPal app (Android / iOS), start the latter and log in to your account by entering the data in the fields Email address e Password.
Now, locate the section Your history and tap on the relative icon of the arrow to view the complete list of your movements. Then select the tab Money sent, do tap sul payment you want to cancel and press the button Contact [seller name] to view the contact details, then send an email to request the payment to be blocked, explaining in detail the reason for your request.
If you don't get any response from the seller, I'm sorry to tell you that the PayPal app doesn't allow you to initiate a refund request. To do this, start the browser you usually use for browsing the Internet (eg. Chrome your android e Safari on iOS), connected to the PayPal website and log in to your account, then tap on the item options in alto a sinistra, select the option Chronology from the menu that appears and repeat the procedure I described earlier for canceling a payment completed by computer.
In case of problems
If you have followed my instructions in detail but have not been able to block an automatic payment or request the cancellation of a completed payment, I recommend that you contact thePayPal customer support, available from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.30 and on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 18.30.
To do this, take your phone, dial the number 06.89386461 and initiate the call for telephone support from a live operator. The cost of the call is linked to your telephone operator.
Alternatively, you can send a written request via the section Help by PayPal. From your computer, connected to the official PayPal website, log into your account and click on the item Help present in the main menu. On the newly opened page, select the option Contact us and press on the items Payments e Cancel a payment, then choose the option of your interest from Cancel payment e Cancel a billing agreement or recurring payment and press on the item Chat with us to receive immediate assistance via chat or Send us an email to send a message using the contact form.
If you prefer to proceed from smartphones and tablets, start the app PayPal, log in to your account and tap on the icon rotella d'ingranaggio at the top right to access the Settings of your account. In the new screen displays, select the item Help, fai tap sull'opzione Contact us and choose the items Payments e Cancel a payment.
Then select the option you are interested in from Cancel payment e Cancel a billing agreement or recurring payment and press on the item Write to us to contact PayPal customer support. To find out more, you can read my guide on how to contact PayPal.
How to block PayPal payments