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    How to block Chrome popups

    Block Chrome popup on computerDo you use the Google home browser mostly from your computer and are you interested in finding out how to block Chrome popups? Then the first step you need to take is to start the program using its icon, click on the button Menu […]

    How to get unblocked on Telegram

    Preliminary informationBefore explaining what are the useful procedures a get unblocked on Telegram, I must provide you with some preliminary information about it, as if you have been blocked in the famous instant messaging app you will clearly not be able to interact […]

    How to unlock Google account

    What is Two-Step VerificationEven before continuing and understanding in practice how to unlock google account, it is good to give you some more information on what is the two-step verification.As I already mentioned in the opening bars of this tutorial, it […]

    How to unblock Chrome popups

    From the computerYou are using the "big G" browser on your computer - be it Windows, Mac or Linux it makes no difference - and would you like to understand how to unblock popups on Chrome? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find right below.As […]

    How to block pop ups with Google Chrome

    Google Chrome popup blockerBefore you find out how to block pop-ups on google chrome you must check that in your browser settings some exceptions have not been inserted that allow the display of advertising windows for certain sites. Then click on the button Menu located […]

    How to unlock Samsung tablet

    How to unlock Samsung tablet: forgot passwordIf you have forgotten the Password block of the tablet, you can remove it by following at least two different paths: the first is to use Find my device, a service from Samsung available online, and the second involves […]

    How to unlock ASUS PC keyboard

    Preliminary operationSince the keyboard of your ASUS computer does not really want to know how to work or, at least, assumes a rather unusual behavior, I recommend that you temporarily make up for its lack by activating the function On-Screen Keyboard Windows, […]

    How to unblock Google account on Android

    How two-step verification worksBefore explaining how you can act to unlock access to your Google account on Android, I would like to inform you in detail of the importance and operation of two-step verification.Two-Step Verification is a necessary security tool […]

    How to unblock someone on Facebook from mobile

    Unblock a person from FacebookIf you have blocked a person on Facebook, you can unblock them directly from the official application of the social network for Android and iOS: it is a simple procedure to perform and it only takes a few steps to reach the goal.First, […]